We are the Robotics, Control, and Decision Systems (RCDS) laboratory and Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) at the Cyprus University of Technology. We are the first robotics laboratory in Cyprus (established in 2011- we were recognised as a DIH by the EU's Horizon 2020 Framework Programme in 2017). Since then, we have developed externally funded activities worth more than 26 million euros. We engage in research, technology development, innovation and commercialisation activitities. The team has decades of combined robotics, technology and product, and business experience in the US and Europe. We have worked with commercial entities of all sizes (start-ups to multinationals) as well as academia, government agencies and NGOs. The RCDS website can be found at rcdslab.org.
CYRIC offers Research and Innovation Services for its customers in the fields of engineering design and prototyping, electronics and communications and software solutions. In addition a number of specialised consultancy and entrepreneurship services are offered to startups and SMEs.