Asociación Centro Tecnológico CEIT

SpainCeit is a non-profit technology center, created on the initiative of the University of Navarra in 1982, and whose main task is to carry out industrial research projects in close collaboration with the R&D departments of the companies.
Its missions are to provide industry with services through the development of technical research projects and to promote the dissemination of knowledge through the training of young researchers and PhD students and scientific publications. Regarding our first mission, more than 100 research projects between TRL4 and TRL7 are carried out at Ceit per year. Moreover, Ceit has participated in 15 FP6 projects, 32 FP7 projects, 1 CIP ECOINNOVATION project, 18 RFCS projects, 3 LIFE projects and is currently involved in 40 H2020 projects, out of which 12 are coordinated.
Since 1996 Ceit has created 16 technology-based spin-offs, which currently employ more than 300 people. Four of these have been purchased by companies which are listed on NASDAQ, NYSE, the Madrid Stock Exchange and the Paris Stock Exchange.
The Vision & Robotics Group of CEIT has more than 15 members that research on the following 6 strategic lines: 1) Industrial Robotics, very linked to offer services and support to local industry with traditional industrial robots and automation; 2) Mobile Collaborative Manipulators, related to the research of mobile robotic systems for maintenance and logistics; 3) Exoskeletons technology for industry; 4) Artificial Vision systems and methods for metrology and quality measurement; 5) Perceptual Robotics, related to the perception and contextualization of the environment through artificial vision, and development of AI for decision making and task sharing; 6) Extended Reality, by using VR for digital twins and simulation, and AI and AR methods for remote maintenance operations. These competences are supported by multiple past and ongoing European, national and regional projects, doctoral thesis and JCR journal publications.
Local Evangelist(s) in Robotics:
Iñaki Diaz