Intelligent Factory and Robotics Laboratory Digital Innovation Hub (IFARLAB-DIH)

TurkeyIntelligent Factory and Robotics Laboratory Digital Innovation Hub (IFARLAB-DIH) support tools for boosting business competitiveness through the use of digital technologies to improve business or production processes, products and services. IFARLAB-DIH is also a one-stop-shop for testing before investment. The mission is to increase the competitiveness of companies by bringing together in an ecosystem.
IFARLAB-DIH services including but not limited to:
Research and Development: the IFARLAB-DIH provides brokerage with the right institute within CISAR and Eskisehir Osmangazi University or other institutions within the hub for research and development.
Prototyping: Through various well-equipped workshops within the hub, the IFARLAB-DIH helps to bring ideas to life.
Facilities: The IFARLAB-DIH can arrange for facilities such as specialized equipment or labs.
Testing and Certification: Partners within the hub can offer realistic factory simulation facilities. Besides, support is also given for ethical and legal aspects that available.
Finance: Information on funding opportunity. Help on building consortia for projects and on designing of concepts.