Francisco Blanes

Prof. Francisco BLANES is currently Associate Professor with tenure in the ‘Instituto de Automática e Informática Industrial (Ai2) of the UPV, where he has been teaching since 1994.
He received a PhD in Computer Science from the UPV in 2000 and a M.Sc. on Computer Science in 1995. From 2012 to 2020, Francisco has been the Director of the Institute of Control Systems and Industrial Computing (Ai2 Institute). He holds a PhD in Computing Sciences by the UPV and is a Professor of Computing Architecture and Technology at the same university.
He has more than 80 scientific publications. During the last years, his research has been focused on Real-Time Embedded Systems applied to sensorisation and robot control, and the last 10 years, he has combined his research.
In 2016 lead the feasibility study to establish a DIH in robotics and CPS in Valencia region (HUB4.0MANUVAL), that is currently coordinating.and teaching activities with technology transfer projects and collaboration with companies, being responsible for many projects of transfer of technology, in the area of industrial informatics.