Maria Manuela Azevedo
I´m a Production Engineering from University of Minho and I have a PhD in Leaders for Technological Industries at Engineering Design and Advanced Manufacturing of the MIT Portugal Program, from the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto.
Throughout my professional career, I have worked in production management, in the implementation of Lean Six-Sigma methodologies and in the design and reconfiguration of factories, the respective organisation and dimensioning of production and logistics systems. I have performed research and consulting functions in business systems engineering projects.
Currently I am responsible for operations support and execution of R&D+I projects and information/intelligence activities in PRODUTECH. I have been involved in several European projects as project manager and mentor, mainly in DIH related projects.
At DIH2 I have developed the role of LER (Local Evangelist in Robotics), mobilising Portuguese companies (production technology developers and users) in these areas.
I am also a guest lecturer at the University of Minho and author of several papers in the scope of flexible and reconfigurable layouts in complex manufacturing systems and DIHs.