Pedro Arques

Local Evangelist Robot at AGORADIH. Fully committed to digital transformation of Manufacturing Companies, integrating robotics and main Industry 4.0 to 5.0 enablers, looking for Agile Manufacturing processes
Over 25 years’ experience in various aspects of IT and Telecommunications. Experience from startup, SME and RTO to multinationals projects, including overseas team leadership. Project Manager and senior consultant, with deep experience in the Telecommunications Industry on complex multi-vendor projects. Strong customer facing skills. Appreciation of both technical and business aspects. Background in hardware & software development as well as product management. IA & RIA H2020 International advisor and builder of international proposals and consortiums for Mid-CAPs and SME´s. DIH regional point of contact. R&D Project evaluator and consultant
Main Robot specialities:
Safetey Robots and collaboration with R.T.L.S. Indoor Localization Technologies: UWB 802.15.4z, WIFI 802.11mc RTT, RFID, WIFI SLAM , ...
Robot integration with IOT/CPS EDge AI applications.
5G and LPWA Networks deployment: LORA , SIGFOX, and NB-IOT.
Manufacturing Digital Twin expertise
Industry 4.0 Maturity Index evaluation