PolandPIAP Institute is focused on the new industrial technologies implementation, systems for automation, production plant and measuring equipment in various branches of industry. PIAP is a grade scientific institute based in Warsaw, Poland, witch over 50 years of experience in automation and robotics. PIAP’s more than 250 employees, including 150 research personnel, have wide, interdisciplinary experience in realization of unique solutions in the field of information technology, robotics, security, telemetry as well as artificial intelligence. The wide range of expertise in robotic systems development backed with experience in project management and lean back office processes resulted in more than 100 successful international projects. Its range of activities covers TRL 2-9, including in-house developed products manufacturing, sales and service.
Nearly 13 M EUR annual income (70% from commercial activities) is a result of PIAP’s established role of an expert in a wide range of robotic systems development cooperating closely with large industrial organizations, midcaps and SMEs in their effort to respond to customers’ demand for personalised products & services, safety and comfort as well as improved energy and resource efficiency in an effort to implement National Smart Specialization “Automation and Robotics of technological processes”.
Acknowledging the need for widespread adoption of more efficient industrial solutions, improved processes and development of innovative products and services PIAP developed a toolset for raising the awareness on digital transformation, which consists of a variety of events, publications and bespoke activities including: Automaticon – a trade fair for automation, control, measurement and robotics (304 Exhibitors, 660 Companies and 12 000 visitors); Automatyka monthly - a B2B magazine for specialists in manufacturing and industry (4000 readers); Automation annual scientific conference - The 2017 edition included 3 keynote talks and 61 papers; A field-test international Seminar RoboScope® - practical exercises with a use of mobile robots for end-users.
PIAP as a Digital Innovation Hub, is a regional contact point for the Pan-European Network of Robotics DIHs for Agile Production (DIH²) project network and supports companies applying for financing as part of cascade funding in competitions organized by the consortium.
Local Evangelist(s) in Robotics:
Jan Piwiński