Borut Zrim
Borut has 27 years of working experience, out of which 8 from industry, 19 from consulting in Technology Park. in 2020 due to DIH2 project he became a Local Evangelist for Robotics in Slovenia and since strives "to connect the dots" between tech-providing companies and manufacturing industry in search of novel technologies. In last 3 years his focus is on Automation & Robotics, recently also digital twins and KET (AI, IPS, New/Smart materials): he is currently involved in multiple international projects: DIH2 (H2020; 1/3 TTEs in robotics managed to qualify for funding); Scaleup4EU (H2020-Agile Manufacturing Lab), DIH-WORLD (NoGaMe-Sensors' implementation for Noninvasive gas measuring in bakery), I4MS (Change2Twin- Digital twin action plan), Smart Factory Hub (Interreg Danube), Smart production (Interreg SI-AT); 3D Central (Interreg CE), Care4Tech (Interreg Alpine Space) ... Shortly: he is dedicated to help industrial players to achieve their goals of digital transition.