We are a consultancy that for 25 years has supported innovation, the promotion of R&D projects, and access to funding, contributing to the organizations’ growth and success.
Established in 2016, MOBINOV, Automotive Cluster Association, is composed of companies from the national automotive industry’s value chain, non-business entities of the National Research and Innovation System, higher education and vocational training bodies, and the main business associations of the sector.
As European Digital Innovation Hub, PRODUTECH DIH has the mission to promote the digitalisation of the manufacturing industry, through a consistent and coherent dual intervention directed to both production technologies and manufacturing sectors, leveraging the role that production technologies assume in the digital and green transformation of the several sectors of the manufacturing industry. Gathering a critical mass of unique capacities, infrastructures, competencies, capabilities and associated services, and having a solid relational capital with the ecosystem of stakeholders, a track record of European intervention and of corridors with other EDIHs, PRODUTECH DIH articulates, provides and makes available to the industry, and pertinent stakeholders, a coherent set of support services within the 4 main functions attributed to European Digital Innovation Hubs: Test before invest, Skills and training, Support to find investments and Dynamization of the innovation ecosystem and networking. PRODUTECH DIH is a consortium of 19 organizations, gathering the Portuguese cluster of production technologies for manufacturing, a science park/incubator, industry’s sector-oriented technology centers, research and technology organizations and higher education and vocational training organizations, with multiple locations across Portugal, acting as multipliers of digital capacities and as access points to the hub, to the European Network of DIHs, pertinent stakeholders, such as Enterprise Europe Network, and initiatives, and providing key support services, within the domains foreseen by the Digital Europe Programme, towards the digital and green transformation of the industry. PRODUTECH DIH delivers a solid unique value proposition: (1) consistent consortium towards the digital and green transformation of the industry, (2) European intervention capacity and ambition and (3) a strategic synergic intervention Local-Regional-National-European.