Technická univerzita v Košiciach je už tradične centrom rozvoja a iniciátorom inovácií v oblasti robotiky.
Už začiatkom 70-tych rokov minulého storočia bol na Strojníckej fakulte pod vedením prof. Budu realizovaný vlastný vývoj robota HYMR 50 a intenzívne sa rozvíjala spolupráca s priemyslom pri zavádzaní robotických systémov do praxe.
Táto tradícia bola systematicky rozvíjaná do dnešných dní a v spolupráci s priemyslom tak bolo úspešne riešených na báze robotiky množstvo domácich i zahraničných projektov (CERN, jadrová energetika, automobilový priemysel a ďalšie prípady automatizácie v malých a stredných podnikoch).
Dobré meno univerzity v oblasti robotiky v zahraničí viedlo k jej prizvaniu do projektu rámcového programu Horizont 2020, zameraného na vytvorenie siete Digitálnych Inovačných Hubov pre aplikáciu robotických systémov hlavne v malých a stredných podnikoch.
Tak vznikol "Robotics Hub Kosice" združujúci odborníkov pre robotiku z Technickej univerzity v Košiciach.
Naša podpora bude zameraná na celú reťaz organizácií v oblasti robotiky, od výrobcov a dodávateľov robotov, cez integrátorov a servisné firmy, až po používateľov robotických systémov.
Výhodou spolupráce s Hubom je možnosť využívania širokej škály služieb akými sú napr. návrh resp. vývoj nových robotických riešení, testovanie prototypov, zaškolenie personálu, pomoc pri hľadaní modelov financovania, či poradenstvo pri vývoze robotických systémov do krajín EU s využitím znalostí partnerov v rámci siete DIH.
The Technical University in Košice has traditionally been a center of development and an initiator of innovations in the field of robotics.
Already at the beginning of the 70s of the last century, there was at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, under the leadership of prof. Buda, carried out the development of the HYMR 50 robot, and cooperation with industry in introducing robotic systems into practice has been intensively developed since.
This tradition has been systematically developed to the present day, and in cooperation with industry, a number of domestic and foreign projects (CERN, nuclear energy, automotive industry and other cases of automation in small and medium-sized enterprises) have been successfully solved on the basis of robotics.
The good name of the university in the field of robotics abroad led to its invitation into the Horizon 2020 framework program project, aimed at creating a network of Digital Innovation Hubs for the application of robotic systems mainly in small and medium-sized enterprises.
This is how the "Robotics Hub Kosice" was created, bringing together robotics experts from the Technical University in Košice.
Our support will be aimed at the entire chain of organizations in the field of robotics, from manufacturers and suppliers of robots, through integrators and service companies, to users of robotic systems.
The advantage of cooperation with the Hub is the possibility of using a wide range of services, such as proposal or development of new robotic solutions, testing of prototypes, staff training, assistance in finding financing models, or consulting in the export of robotic systems to EU countries using the knowledge of partners within the DIH network.
The National Centre of Robotics is an association established under the patronage of the Faculty of electrical engineering and information technology, Slovak technical university in Bratislava. The establishment of the National Centre of Robotics had several reasons – research, support, and development of robotics in university and society-wide environment. We are currently working with several universities, and commercial companies (especially SMEs) and we are supporting students in research activities. We participate in several projects, including the structure H2020.
The members of the National Centre of Robotics are internationally accepted professionals in the field of robotics, cybernetics, and automation. We are a young team and we are opened to any challenges.